Cybersecurity meeting with Spanish companies

  • Science
  • Bruxelles
  • mar. 21 novembre 2017
  • 08:00 – 15:00
Cybersecurity meeting with Spanish companies

The Embassy of Spain in Belgium and ICEX are organising a meeting with top Spanish companies active in the cybersecurity sector.

This interesting event will take place on November 21 in Brussels, at the Spanish Embassy (Rue Montoyer 26 -1000 Bruxelles).

The day will start with presentations of the international institutions NCIA-NATO, EDA, DG CONNECT and STARTUP EUROPE.

After that the representatives of the Spanish companies AVASCLOUD, EVERIS, INDRA, INNOTEC SYSTEM, LEAP IN VALUE, ONE SECURITY ,S2 GROUP and TANGO 04 will make brief demonstrations of their capacities/skills in the cybersecurity area.

At 12:30, after their presentation, a lunch will be served with a Spanish buffet where the attendees will have the opportunity to contact the companies representatives present at the meeting.

In order to participate, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to the following address: [email protected]

You may also write to that address for more information or call at 0255 11 040 / 0255 11 055 / 0255 11 051.


Rue Montoyer 26 -1000 Bruselas